Category: Life

  • Bringing HIYLJ Back To Life

    Bringing HIYLJ Back To Life

    A long time ago, I wrote on this blog (and one other covering the Buffalo Sabres) a LOT. I formed some great friendships in the blogosphere, got to do some cool stuff, it was great. As blogs fell off in popularity – and life got even busier – I stopped writing. I’ve popped back in…

  • The “For Boys” Problem

    The “For Boys” Problem

    This is my daughter, Mattie (and the back of my other daughter, Eva).  The girls have taken on my love of comics, mostly due to the show Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  M is wearing her new Captain America hoodie which may be her new favorite possession.  Upon seeing it in the…

  • How to Train Your Dragon Live!

    How to Train Your Dragon Live!

    The fam and I saw the How to Train Your Dragon Live show over the weekend, and we have pictures!  It’s a tough thing to photograph, but these are the best.  And of course, a few pictures of the cutest kids in the world are in there.

  • Szpara Family Benefit

    Szpara Family Benefit

    I try to avoid a lot of this on my blog, keeping it mostly to nerdy stuff, but this is too important to let pass.  A few weeks ago, the Szpara family was in a terrible accident.  The mom, Ana, and her three sons Josh (4), Evan (6), and Tyler (9) were heading to the…

  • Thanksgiving Timeline

    It’s time, once again, for what might be the best holiday of them all for grown-ups – Thanksgiving.  That goes double if you aren’t trusted to prepare food by your family.  You get awesome food, and it’s expected that you are going to eat a ton of it.  If you love football, there are some genuinely…

  • NaNoWriMo? Should I subject myself to this again?

    Why am I considering this?  Shall I torment myself yet another year?  Yeah, actually, I think so.  Looking at the 10 Types of writer’s block I linked earlier, I think I might have a way past the ones that typically take me down.  I have ideas, and I think I can strangle my inner critic,…

  • Friday Finds – Downy Canadian Dinosaurs and Colliding Galaxies

    Friday Finds – Downy Canadian Dinosaurs and Colliding Galaxies

    Hey everybody, hope you had a fun week.  Here’s the posts from this week: Movie Review: Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D – Time did seem to stretch out before me in this, for sure. Old Game Tuesday – Civilization II – *snore* – Huh, what?  I wasn’t sleeping after staying…

  • Friday Finds – Robot Octopi and Arctic Airships

    A light week this week, due to the holidays and not being home much. Raising a Reader – Getting boys to read. But that does leave plenty of room for links! Star Wars:  Heir to the Empire 20th Anniversary Edition, a fine gift for the SW geek in your family. A horribly incomplete list of…

  • Raising a Reader

    Michael Forbes, whom I follow on Twitter for hockey stuff, linked an article in the New York Times, “Boys and Reading: Is There Any Hope?” by Robert Lipsyte.  The issues brought up in the essay are boiled down to this passage: If we’re to counter this tendency and encourage reading among boys who may collectively…

  • Growing Older (But Not Up)

    Ways I know I still haven’t grown up: Video games are still fun. Most of my favorite movies are animated. Almost all of my t-shirts are either video game or sports team related. I cheer when watching a sporting event…even if I’m at home alone. LEGO stuff is awesome (this will never change). The best…

  • Dads get the shaft

     Father’s Day is coming up (June 19th if you’re scoring at home), and even if you decry the commercial aspects of the various parental celebration days, you have to admit that we Dads kind of get shafted with this one.  First, thanks to it’s placement on the calendar, we will never escape the lame ad…

  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    To all the Mommies out there, have a great day!