• Movie Review – Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

    Movie Review – Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

    The first Jurassic Park is a classic. Plenty of tension, action, humor.  When we have fond memories of this franchise, that’s the movie we’re all thinking of.  As you move forward, they decline rapidly in quality.  Most of the good feelings you have for The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 are due to Jeff Goldblum…

  • Movie Review – Black Panther

    Movie Review – Black Panther

    Not to spoil too much, at it’s core Black Panther is also filled with family drama, but also powerful political statements.  From the drop this movie has something to say to you about the inequality that drives our modern world.

  • Comic Book Review – Crosswind Vol. 1

    Comic Book Review – Crosswind Vol. 1

    Crosswind is an Image series written by Gail Simone, drawn by Cat Staggs, with letters from Simon Bowland.  The blurb at Image’s site describes it as “Goodfellas meets Freaky Friday” and it’s an apt description.  What happens if a Chicago hitman and a suburban housewife switch bodies?  Under Gail’s pen, you get vulgar, action-filled fun.…

  • Comic Book Review – Black Bolt Vol. 1, Hard Time

    Comic Book Review – Black Bolt Vol. 1, Hard Time

    Volume 1 of Black Bolt’s solo series, subtitled Hard Time, is out.  Writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Christian Ward fulfilled the promise of the first issue (which I looked at previously) and more.  Ward says a lot about who gets put in prison and why, while not ignoring the kickass fights and teleporting dogs we…

  • Book Review – Artemis by Andy Weir

    Book Review – Artemis by Andy Weir

    Artemis, by Andy Weir, starts out as a bit of a heist book.  Set in the first city on the Moon, Artemis follows Jasmine “Jazz” Bashara as she navigates her life as a porter, her sideline as a smuggler of contraband, and her disapproving father.  One of Jazz’s smuggling clients offers her a sabotage job…

  • Book Review – Terminal Alliance by Jim C. Hines

    Terminal Alliance (Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse), by Jim C. Hines, takes a futuristic zombie-esque apocalypse and wonders – what happens if someone comes along and fixes it?  Humanity was turned into mindless, shambling monsters, but the Krakau (a squidlike alien race) decides to help fix us.  Eh, more or less. The story follows a human…

  • RIP Marvel Heroes

    RIP Marvel Heroes

    It’s funny, I am both sad that Marvel Heroes Omega is gone, and completely unsurprised by it.  MH has long been my most played game on Steam, and thoroughly scratched my Diablo itch by providing fun Action RPG gameplay in a non-obnoxious free to play model.  The writing was on the wall when David Brevik…

  • Book Review – The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

    Book Review – The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

    The First Law Trilogy is another series I’m late to, but I enjoyed The Blade Itself quite a bit!  This is not my first Joe Abercrombie, having checked out Half a King previously.  Abercrombie’s books tend to the ‘grimdark’ side of epic fantasy, and this is no exception. The cast of characters Much like A…

  • How The Inhumans Should’ve Started

    How The Inhumans Should’ve Started

    The first three episodes of The Inhumans have aired (the fourth is tonight), and they are…not great.  I’m no pessimist, and I’ll probably keep watching, but I have a LOT of thoughts on what went wrong, and how it could’ve been fixed. Why Inhumans couldn’t be a movie I actually agree with Marvel that The…

  • Pilot Season – The Gifted

    Pilot Season – The Gifted

    The Gifted is a new X-Men-adjacent show on Fox, which I will explain momentarily, and it’s pretty awesome.  It’s almost too bad for Marvel that The Inhumans release around the same time, because it’s not even a contest as to which is better. “Adjacent” The first question with most comic book adaptations nowadays is what…

  • Pilot Season – The Inhumans

    Pilot Season – The Inhumans

    I’ve watched the two episodes of Marvel’s new show, The Inhumans, and I’m reminded very strongly of season one of Agents of SHIELD.  With a little of the lackluster parts of Iron Fist thrown in for good measure.  It’s not great, but there is the tiniest of hope in me still that it can get…

  • Movie Review – Death Note (Netflix)

    Movie Review – Death Note (Netflix)

    Oof, where to begin?  I come to Netflix’s adaptation of the Death Note manga not from any sort of fandom.  It’s one I was dimly aware of, but haven’t read or watched any of the anime.  I was interested mostly because of the “Willem Dafoe voicing a death god” angle.  Having watched it now, I…