Month: September 2010

  • Old Game Tuesday – Baldur’s Gate

    Old Game Tuesday – Baldur’s Gate

    When I was younger, there was a certain class of gamer nerd that even I didn’t ‘get’.  They did their gaming with large sheets of paper and miniatures and a whole mess of dice.  The closest I’d ever gotten to that was a few books that had you roll dice to determine the outcome of…

  • Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, and the DLCs

    Dragon Age: Origins, Awakening, and the DLCs

    I don’t think I ever officially review DA:O in this space (but I love it), but I thought that now that all the DLCs are out and the game is basically done, I’d take another look at the ‘story based’ addons.  SPOILERS ABOUND. First, in case you can’t tell, I love the game.  Otherwise, I…