Tag: han solo

  • George Lucas is Murdering Star Wars

    I have to get this out.  I gave Lucas the benefit of the doubt when the new trilogy came out.  I went and saw the first two in the theaters, thinking “they can’t be as bad as people say”.  They were, pretty much, especially Phantom Menace.  I shrugged when he added a CGI Jabba scene…

  • Friday Finds – Alligator Biodiesel and a Supernova

    Friday Finds – Alligator Biodiesel and a Supernova

    Missed a week due to unforseen circumstances, but here are the most recent posts: Movie Review -  Rise of the Planet of the Apes – Long title, good movie. Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek: 25th Anniversary – Star Trek’s best game? Second Class Citizen – They don’t care about us folks that still watch…

  • Steampunk Toy Modder Interviewed at Gizmodo

    In case you haven’t seen his work before, check out Sillof’s Workshop, where the model maker creates and modifies action figures in fun ways. Want to see Han Solo and Chewie as WWII bomber pilots? Or the Justice League as Victorian-era heroes? You can now. Gizmodo interviewed Sillof to find out what prompted him to…