Tag: Dragon Age 2

  • Dragon Age III: Inquisition Is Announced

    Dragon Age III: Inquisition Is Announced

    Bioware announced the title for the upcoming Dragon Age game, and it’s Dragon Age III: Inquisition.  Further press releases and statements place the game as a late 2013 release, which seems like a long time when they’ve already been working on the game for two years…but we remember the things we didn’t like about Dragon…

  • Continuing Game Review: Dragon Age 2

    Continuing Game Review: Dragon Age 2

    Note:  Continuing means I will revisit this as I get farther in. Of course I couldn’t avoid Dragon Age 2 for very long, considering how much I loved Dragon Age: Originsand all the related DLC/expansion content.  So here I am, almost through with Kirkwall (pre-Deep Roads expedition), and enjoying it quite a bit.  I’ll put the…

  • Dragon Age 3 Speculation, Part 1

    Dragon Age 3 Speculation, Part 1

    So Dragon Age 3 is happening, while future content for DA2 is shelved.  Bioware is looking for feedback on the future of the Dragon Age franchise, and the first thing I thought of is, where can the story go?  There are a ton of plot hooks out there, and any number of them could make…

  • Friday Finds – Buffalo Cash Mob

    First, the week in posts: Poll: Best Star Wars Videogame Ever? – currently the votes say TIE Fighter.  Where are you Dark Forces people at?  Rock the Vote! Movie Review – Cowboys and Aliens – Not terrible, had some entertainment value, but pretty forgettable to me.  Leans more towards the Western side of things, so…

  • On Sequels

    Reading some of the reviews and discussions out there on Dragon Age 2 got me to thinking – Did Bioware do a disservice to themselves by declaring this game a sequel?  They call it a sequel on the game’s official site, and they put a ‘2’ after it, but it may have damaged the perception…

  • Dragon Age 2 Demo Impressions

    I played through one full run of the DA2 Demo (male rogue), and to be honest, it’s got me a little worried.  The visuals are definitely different, probably better, but with the way combat jumps around so much it feels more like an older MMO.  The powers recharge quickly, the action more frenetic (yes, I…