Category: Movies

  • Movie Review – Elysium

    Movie Review – Elysium

    I really wanted to like Elysium, and I guess I do, somewhat.  However, there are some serious problems here that kept me from getting even as far as “I really like it” or “It’s great!”.  The first half seemed to drag.  Too much establishing of characters, and even then, it didn’t stick.  I never got…

  • Movie Review – The Wolverine

    Movie Review – The Wolverine

    Adaptation movies are such balancing acts, especially with comic book movies.  Alienate the fans, and the negative backlash on the geek sites will wash you away.  But the superfans alone do not bring in the box office numbers (just look at Joss and Serenity) so you can’t hew too close to the source if it…

  • Movie Review – Pacific Rim

    Movie Review – Pacific Rim

    Ah, Pacific Rim.  The movie every geek wanted to see, but it’s ‘underperforming‘ despite that.  There are many reasons being bandied about (no big stars! being the most prominent).  For me, Pacific Rim did exactly what it was supposed to.  And it cuts through a lot of the crap we’ve come to expect with a…

  • Movie Review – Despicable Me 2

    Movie Review – Despicable Me 2

    Thanks to the fine folks at, my 5 year old daughter and I saw Despicable Me 2 last night.  It’s got a lot to live up to, as the first is one of our favorite movies as a family, and one of the most-quoted.  I’m happy to report that, for the most part, Despicable…

  • Movie Review – Man of Steel

    Movie Review – Man of Steel

    Superman, the character, has never held great appeal for me.  I’ve enjoyed some of the movies and shows, read a few comics here and there, but he’s never been particularly interesting.  The trailers for Man of Steel, though, intrigued me.  They promised a Superman with some depth, played with the mythology a bit, and implied…

  • Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    There will be spoilers.  You are warned. If there’s anything I know from reading reactions to Star Trek Into Darkness, it’s that it is very polarizing.  You are going to love it or hate it.  The middle ground ‘it was decent’ option is pretty darn uncommon. To best prepare you for discussing STID, I’m going…

  • Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    A few notes:  I’m a huge Iron Man fanboy, and I’ll try to keep spoilers out of the first paragraph.  Beyond that, you’ve been warned. My son and I went to see Iron Man 3 last night, and had a lot of fun.  I think, at this point, they are never recapturing the magic of…

  • The Best of Both Worlds Movie Event

    I went to the movies last night, and it was to watch a TV show.  The Best of Both Worlds, the biggest sci-fi show cliffhanger ever, got the Blu-Ray treatment, and so it also got a theatrical event.  There were three main parts to the show.  First, a making-of feature talking to the starts, writers,…

  • Movie Review – G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    Movie Review – G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    I was never a G.I. Joe kid growing up – I don’t remember it being forbidden, but discouraged, but it was also always on opposite something else I wanted to watch.  I went to see this with a couple of friends who were way more into the Joes than I ever was, including one that…

  • Movie Review – The Croods

    Movie Review – The Croods

    I almost didn’t go see The Croods.  When I was just seeing the stand-ups and posters in the theaters, it didn’t appeal to me.  Cavemen really do little for me – how many jokes can you make about them, anyway?  Early clips and trailers did little to disuade me from that notion.  What actually got…

  • Movie Review – Lincoln

    Movie Review – Lincoln

    This isn’t normally what I go to the movies for, which if you’ve read my previous reviews, you could probably guess.  It’s not exactly comparable to The Avengers or Ponyo.  Still, Lincoln is a damn fine movie.  The main thrust of the movie examines Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis) as he pushes to get the 13th…

  • Movie Review – Rise of the Guardians

    Movie Review – Rise of the Guardians

    Rise of the Guardians is the latest William Joyce property to be adapted to the big screen, though I would caution that it’s a pretty loose adaptation.  It’s a Dreamworks production, so the visuals are great.  The story follows the Guardians of childhood – somewhat nebulously defined, but Santa (“North”), the Easter Bunny, the Sandman,…