Year: 2008

  • Cuil Search Not Ready For Primetime

    Cuil search engine needs work: We didn€™t find any results for €œbuffalo sabres€ Some reasons might be… a typo. Please check your spelling. your search includes a term that is very rare. Try to find a more common substitute. too many search terms. Please try fewer terms. Finally, try to think of different words to…

  • Nightmare Fuel

    I’m borrowing that phrase from Deadspin, for very good reason. I took a peek in the spam folder in my Gmail today, to make sure nothing important got sent there…and came across this: Mccain sex tape surfaces /brain scrub Moving on, it appears that some spammers have switched to humorous subjects for their offending mails,…

  • Lucas is Meddlesome

    Jeffrey Katzenberg, speaking to, revealed that Darth Lucas is ‘investing in technology’ to turn the Star Wars movies 3D. My favorite bit: Katzenberg remarked in the interview that Lucas “isn’t going to put a product out, I think, that isn’t anything other than first rate.” Yeah, EP1 was first rate, all right. UGH.

  • Belt-Fed Nerf Cannon Available

    Remember the Nerf N-STRIKE Vulcan EBF-25 belt-fed office warfare toy spotted at Toy Fair 2008? It’s available. :D Totally worth it, too.

  • Why…so…SERIOUS?

    As you might guess from the title, I saw The Dark Knight. I managed to stay remarkably spoiler-free beforehand, so there were some twists I was NOT expecting. Great movie, but I’ll keep the real details for after the jump (to help keep others unspoiled)…

  • Pictures!

    Quickly uploading a few pictures.

  • Civilian Tilt-Rotor Aircraft – YES PLEASE

    I admit, ever since I saw the V-22 Osprey, I loved it. It just LOOKS cool, and I’m a military geek. That tech (they fixed it finally, honest!) is now making it’s way to the civilian airspace with the Bell 609. Looking and flying like a smaller cousin of the military V22 Osprey, also a…

  • Graphene – Strongest Material Ever Tested

    Technology Review has posted an article about Graphene, which has been thought to be the strongest material known since it was first isolated. Scientists were finally able to test it and confirm that it is. Jeffrey Kysar and James Hone, mechanical-engineering professors at Columbia University, tested graphene’s strength at the atomic level by measuring the…

  • Moose Update

    No, not you Papa Moose. There was great fear across the land when this picture was sighted, but it turned out he was just making a border run to see a friend:

  • WordPress 2.6

    Just an FYI guys, the bloggy portion of things was upgraded to WordPress 2.6. I like some of the new features, like post edit tracking, a Press This! bookmarklet to let you easily blog about whatever you are viewing, theme previews (nice since I change themes a LOT), image captions, word count…you can see the…

  • NBA Refs, Coaches Too Friendly?

    Every once in a while, tWWL has an article worth reading, and I think this one is the most recent one. Disgraced NBA ref alleged recently that some of his former peers worked with ‘league officials’ to affect the outcome of games, specifically to make playoff series go to seven games (here’s some math that…

  • This is NOT right

    I missed free Slurpee day. Those punks know I’m there all the time, couldn’t they have mentioned it at least? NOT COOL, 7-11.