Tag: Wing Commander

  • GamesRadar’s 100 Best Games of All Time – OH REALLY

    GamesRadar’s 100 Best Games of All Time – OH REALLY

    The folks at GamesRadar threw down their list of the top 100 games of all time, and while I’m not going to comment on every game (I haven’t played all of them), I’d like to point out what I think they got right and what they missed. 99.  Ducktales – Excellent pull here, actually, as…

  • Old Game Tuesday – Wing Commander: Privateer

    Old Game Tuesday – Wing Commander: Privateer

    One of my all-time favorites, and to me, the best game of the Wing Commander series, is Wing Commander: Privateer.  Unlike the other games of the WC series, in this one you play a free pilot with your own inherited ship.  At that point, you are completely free to do what you want.  Fly around…

  • Things our kids won’t believe

    For sports: Baseball was played mostly during the day. The only way to track the stats of your favorite players was through the box scores in the newspaper. There were no Russians in the NHL. The Mets were good and the Red Sox were perpetual losers, often in heart-breaking fashion. For media: MTV showed music…