Day: July 4, 2012

  • Book Review – Caliban’s War

    Book Review – Caliban’s War

    Caliban’s War, the second book in James S. A. Corey’s “The Expanse” series, begins with a bang.  Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, is the breadbasket of the outer planets, producing the food needed in all the asteroids and ships out that far.  Mars and Earth both have domes on the moon, and with the uneasy…

  • Movie Review – Brave

    Movie Review – Brave

    I took my daughter to go see Brave yesterday, and we both enjoyed it immensely.  She is four, and there were some slightly scary scenes where she hid her face in my shoulder, but she was rivited the rest of the time.  Just an FYI if you have a sensitive kid. It’s an interesting movie…