Month: January 2009

  • Lego Battlestar Galactica Madness

    This is just a fraction of the 35 Vipers and other BSG-themed Lego creations shown off at ‘BrickCon‘ last year. Gizmodo has an in-depth gallery in their post on the matter, and now I want one of these. I wonder if any of these guys has a parts list or build out there…

  • Beware The Other Head Of Science, Arthur, It Bites!

    Okay, so, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore ‘National Ignition Facility’ will be attempting to create a ‘tiny man-made star’ inside their laboratory. This concerns me on multiple levels. First, that is an awesome name for a place of employment. They have that going for them, at least. However, take a look at the first picture…